- SSS 2021 Keynote: Byzantine Agreement with Less Communication (video, slides).
- S. Cohen, I. Keidar, and O. Naor: Byzantine Agreement with Less Communication: Recent Advances ACM SIGACT News 52:1, March 2021.
- OPODIS 2020 Keynote: Byzantine Agreement & SMR with Sub-Quadratic Communication (video, pdf slides).
- DISC 2020 Keynote: Concurrent Big Data Processing – Data Structures & Semantics – video, pdf slides, ppt.
- SPTDC 2020 Tutorial: Foundations of distributed storage – video, pdf slides, ppt.
- A. Spiegelman, I. Keidar, and D. Malkhi: Dynamic Reconfiguration: A Tutorial.
Tutorial, presented in Int’l Conf. on Principles of Distributed Computing(OPODIS), Rennes, France, December 2015.
Download: paper, talk slides.
- I. Keidar: Dynamic Computations in Ever-Changing Networks (Invited Talk Abstract) (slides)
Invited Talk at TADDS’11.
- I. Keidar: Reliable Distributed Storage.
Keynote Lecture at SYSTOR’10.
- M. Aguilera, I. Keidar, D. Malkhi, J.-P. Martin, and A. Shraer: Reconfiguring Replicated Atomic Storage: A Tutorial.
In the Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (BEATCS) 102, pages 84-108, Distributed Computing Column, October 2010.
- C. Cachin, I. Keidar, and A. Shraer: Trusting the Cloud.
In ACM SIGACT News Distributed Computing Column, 40(2), pages 81-86, June 2009.
- Gregory V. Chockler, Rachid Guerraoui, Idit Keidar, and Marko Vukolic: Reliable Distributed Storage.
In IEEE Computer 42:4, pages 60-67, April 2009.
- Idit Keidar: Local Computations in Large-Scale Networks (ppt).
Tutorial presented at MINEMA Winter School, Anzere, Switzerland, Feb 2007.
Shorter version presented at the Workshop on Large-Scale Distributed Systems and Middleware (LADIS’07), Haifa, Israel, March 2007.
- Idit Keidar and Assaf Schuster: Want Scalable Computing? Speculate!
In ACM SIGACT News 37(3), Distributed Computing Column 23, pages 59-66, September 2006.
- Idit Keidar: Group Communication.
Chapter in the Encyclopedia of Distributed Computing, Joseph Urban and Partha Dasgupta, editors, Kluwer Academic Publishers. To be published.
- Idit Keidar and Sergio Rajsbaum: On the Cost of Fault-Tolerant Consensus When There Are No Faults – A Tutorial.
MIT Technical Report MIT-LCS-TR-821, May 24, 2001.
Preliminary version in SIGACT News 32(2), Distributed Computing column, pages 45-63, June 2001 (published May 15th, 2001).
PODC 2002 Tutorial Slides (ppt), ppt.gz.
- Gregory V. Chockler, Idit Keidar, and Roman Vitenberg: Group Communication Specifications: A Comprehensive Study.
In ACM Computing Surveys 33(4), pages 1-43, December 2001.
ps, ps.gz, pdf.
See SIGACT News.